At Crisfloats we can custom build your float to suit your life on the road. And when it comes to camping you can take all the luxury's of home with you. We like to think of our floats as more a Glamper float as they can come with everything you could have at home. We can install pumps, tanks, aircon, TV's, microwaves, sinks, bunkbeds and so much more. Our Straight loading floats make the best campers as bunk beds can be installed. We pride ourselves on being able to fix problems so if you have an interesting request for your new horse float camper don't be scared to ask. We can build your camper as 2 Horse angle or straight loading float. Or maybe you need a bit more space so it could be the 3 Horse angle, Bumper pull or Gooseneck float. Feel free to price up your own horse float camper by heading to the relevant page, check it's inclusions and if the horse float doesn't include any of what you need please check out our optional extras page.
Whatever your needs we can help you choose what camper would best suit your life on the road. We have a large range of floats for sale so give us a call for a no obligation free discussion.

Need a bit more storage in your camper? Well this swing out cupboard can stay opened with the tailgate up

The 2 horse can make a great camper float

Our 2H Straight load, 2H Angle and 3H Angle load

Let the horse out to stretch its legs

Glamping or Camping? You be the judge

Turn your 3 horse into a cameper float, why not add a sink or awning?

Our 2 horse straight can make a great camping float - perfect for bunk beds

The Royal 2 Horse Straight load is perfect for bunk beds and all the ects

3 Horse angle can come equipped with everything for camping

Why not put a pump and tank on your float for water

A custom built horse float done as a camper can make a great second home

How about a few bunk beds for your new camper float

Camp in style